Breach Preparedness

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Simple tools for Asset Inventory. Choose from our library of Policy templates. Best Practice Breach Management. Have your Playbook ready

Buying Bitcoin is Not a Plan.

What, EXACTLY, is Your Plan?

It's okay to get a head start.

“It is not what happens to you but how you respond to it.”


Avoid Breach Exhaust.

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

-Mike Tyson


Knowing is Being Prepared.

  • Advanced Reporting provides actionable metrics and insight into the effectiveness of your security awareness training program. You can generate over 60 different styles of reports that will help you understand where improvements need to be made to improve the strength of your human firewall. Using machine learning technology, Advanced Reporting will instantly create reports based on your spoken command or typing relevant keywords into the Find Report search function.
  • Smart Groups put your phishing, training and reporting on autopilot.  With the powerful Smart Groups feature, you can use each employees’ behavior and user attributes to tailor phishing campaigns, training assignments, remedial learning and reporting. Best of all, Smart Groups is a powerful ad-hoc, real-time query tool that you use to get detailed reporting for management.
  • Training reports for all users or a specific group (who started, completed, started but never finished)
  • Details on enrollment %, course started %, incomplete %, completed course, acknowledged security policy
  • Specify user needs to “Read and Attest” Security Policy for compliance
  • Individual user “report cards” with their “open and click” history
  • Reports on browser / device used to open a phishing email and vulnerable browser plugins the user has installed
  • Personal timeline overview for every individual user
  • Phishing Reply Tracking reports with who answered and what they said

Get Started Today.

Our SecureABC team is available to answer your questions and identify the best path toward cyber security within your organization.