Put on your shades and embrace the bright future of today!
Back in my early days as a young technology salesperson, (I sold copiers and fax machines now called multifunctional digital output devices) I attended my first ESOP shareholders meeting at Marco business products!
The CEO and co-founder, Gary Marsden, and his management team strutted up onto the stage wearing sunglasses, to the song by Timbuk 3, The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades.
I thought…WOW…selling copiers and fax machines is pretty cool and I do have a bright future. But, wearing shades inside a Holiday Inn, I had my doubts.
Mr. Marsden’s vision for the ESOP plan at Marco is an entire history book of great success that made millionaires from hard-working, every-day, great people! See Marconet.com and check out Jeff Gau’s Blog for present-day insight.
What does that mean today? Why is the future bright? Do my business partners and I sit around wearing sunglasses imagining the story that SecureABC has yet to unfold?
We are entrepreneurs and dreamers, harnessing technology that wasn’t even imagined back when I was sitting in that ESOP meeting in the early 1990s. Every morning we meet remotely via software on our PCs, iMacs, laptops, tablets and mobile phones to collaborate, develop and execute our plan for a bright future.
Now, queue up the music by Timbuk 3!
– Ryan Heining, Founding Partner