NCSAM: #FoundersFriday with Erik Tammearu

SecureABC > Business Strategy > NCSAM: #FoundersFriday with Erik Tammearu

#FoundersFriday with Erik Tammearu.

Connect to Correct…

Things, an interesting way to describe what seems to be our new way of life.

IoT, internet of things.

As we move through our day, you’d be hard-pressed not to leverage the convenience’s these ’things’ bring to our lives.

If everything is connected correctly and secured within your universe of things, the access to information and entertainment is quite simply amazing.

Now, when things go down, I have a problem. I say “I”, because that’s usually who needs to figure out what’s wrong or why this thing or things aren’t working properly. The call (or shout) might come from downstairs, or my parents calling about a device not working properly, or a friend who I helped set up a mesh environment at their house.

The “B” in SecureABC is about Behavior. Hackers connect with a purpose! They test our morals, bait our curiosity, guide us to conform to the crowd, trigger our fears, gain trust, all with their intent to reward themselves with a phish on!

All of these Behaviors are exactly what we focus our Awareness (the “A” in Secure ABC) on to connect with people, in hopes of correcting the end result. Establishing a Culture (the “C” in SecureABC) of Security, whether it’s in your home or at the office, is this the mission.

The lines of communication between home and work are no longer black and white. It’s a very gray area.

IT departments are working tirelessly to integrate their networks into our homes so we can keep moving forward as a nation and a global economy.

Step back and take a moment to Connect with the ‘thing’s’ in your world, and make Corrections to protect it.

#connecttocorrect, #becybersmart

—Erik Tammearu, Founding Partner


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