
Secure ABC Publishing Team
#FoundersFriday with Ryan Heining: Why Did We Begin? Where did we begin? Why did we begin? Often, entrepreneurs are asked the question, where did you start? Where did you begin your company? Where were you at? What were you doing? I think it’s more relevant to ask, why? Why did you create or build this...
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November Already? We can’t believe October has already come and gone…which means National Cybersecurity Awareness Month has as well.  We had so much fun providing the tips & tools to help create a culture of cybersecurity within your organization.  Although NCSAM is over, we wanted to leave you with a final recap so that you...
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#FoundersFriday with Erik Tammearu.   Welcome to the Revolution… The only guarantee we have is that there will be change…it’s how we handle the change! —BOBism When I started my career in the rubber and plastics industry back in the early to mid-1990s, I was fortunate to walk the assembly lines of some of the...
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Industrial Revolution 4.0. Where Is It and Where Is It Going?  The Industrial Revolution—4.0. A Move Towards Digitization. The Industrial Revolution 4.0, also known as Industry 4.0, uses IoT and systems to collect large amounts of data that can be used by manufacturers to analyze and improve their work.  This allows companies to use these...
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What is 5G? It’s Impact On the Average Consumer & Cybersecurity. What is 5G? There is a lot of talk about what 5G might become…but not a lot of understanding about what it actually is. 5G = 5th generation wireless technology. Each generation is increasingly reliable, faster, etc.  1983—1G: Analogue, only carried voice signal.  1991—2G:...
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#FoundersFriday with Jeff Starbird. Small Business Alert. This past June, The Wall Street Journal published a Cybersecurity report summarizing findings from a survey of information security officers at nearly 400 companies. The size of the companies varied, but the findings were especially alarming for small businesses. Small businesses don’t have the resources that larger companies...
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How COVID-19 Has Affected Small Business Cyber Safety & What to Do About It. COVID-19 has created a digital dependency amongst businesses, which has also led to increased vulnerability to cyberattacks. The United Nations Security Council released information that cybercrime is up 600% since the pandemic began.  Izumi Nakamitsu, U.N. disarmament chief, said the threat...
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Why It’s Time for SMB’s to Prioritize Cybersecurity. Small and medium-sized businesses are vital to our nation’s economy, but threats to these SMB’s are only continuing to grow.  Sixty-two percent of SMB owners expressed they are very concerned that their business could be vulnerable to a cyberattack, according to a U.S. Senate Committee on Small...
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#FoundersFriday with Ryan Heining. The New Workplace. The workplace and workforce has been dramatically altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Telework, home offices, and the technologies that allow these environments to operate have been around for years. However, the pandemic has rapidly pushed these environments and technologies into the forefront. Companies like Zoom...
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NCSAM: Securing Devices at Home and Work—Creating An Inclusive, Empowering Cyber Security Culture At Work. A culture of cybersecurity is a pattern of behaviors, beliefs, assumptions, attitudes, and a willingness to do things that promote security. Cultural change is needed to implement and cultivate a newly developed security culture within your organization. Here are three...
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